Regular Plural Nouns
Part 1: Categories
There's a basket of objects and each object has more than 1 of it in the basket. You start by taking out ONE of each object and they go in the singular noun pile. Once you have one of each out, you can start the plural nouns pile. You put however many of each object is left in the plural nouns pile. Teacher says "rock" vs "rocks" and students notice that in plural noun pile there's an "s" at the end showing 1 or more. Then teacher takes out pile or word cards. Teacher helps K read the card and they place it next to the object(s). At the end, you can notice that there's an "s" at the end of all the plural noun piles.
Part 2: Memory Game
Have names of different objects written on cards. Read all cards together. Flip over and play memory game.
*I wonder if this would work matching singular and plural?
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